Mehrdad Mizani, grew up in his native land of Iran, absorbing its rich culture of music, art, poetry, and literature. He studied classical music, graduating from Tehran Music Conservatory, then traveled extensively through Europe, North America and other parts of the world. His research into religion, philosophy, and psychology was motivated by a passionale desire to find truth. His discoveries have been shared through original musical works and seminars. He and his wife, Anna, live in Maryland and have four grown children.
Erica Marie Wigley is a truth seeker, admirer of Life and all its manifestations. A difficult divorce that once left her heartbroken served as a catalyst that led her to question the meaning of Life, and to become a full expression of its beauty. Through opening her heart, she discovered that Life was always present, patiently waiting for her to recognize it. She resides in New York City with her two sons, Carl and Cole. She works as a registered nurse and life coach at Rise 360 Coaching & Consulting.